milk sickness

milk sickness [milk ˈsɪknɪs]  [mɪlk ˈsɪknɪs] 

milk sickness 基本解释


milk sickness 网络解释

1. 乳毒病:milk serum ==> 奶清,乳清 | milk sickness ==> 乳毒病 | milk sieve ==> 奶过滤器

milk sickness 双语例句

1. This farm too had not turned out to be very productive, and milk sickness again threatened the cattle.

2. Those who believed that it was better not to risk getting the milk sickness turned to safer beverages, such as whiskey.

3. His experiments supported the germ theory of disease also reducing mortality from puerperal fever and he created the first vaccine for rabies. He was best known to the general public for inventing a method to stop milk and wine from causing sickness - this process came to be called pasteurization.

4. Poisoning of domestic animals, especially cattle and sheep, caused by eating white snakeroot or rayless goldenrod and characterized by muscular tremors and weakening. Also called milk sickness
    乳毒症:家畜中毒,尤指牛和羊,由食用白色蛇根草或无边花的黄花引起,表现为肌肉颤抖和虚弱等症状也作 milk sickness

milk sickness

5. Beijing`s folic acid, can also be Materna, but more effort, about 50, and a large, I almost can not stand to eat a bottle of a good chunk to swallow, both insist on swallow hard for me to wave vegetables also contain folic acid high, Kennedy had to eat more food, such as peanuts, chestnuts, walnuts, such as food, to prevent constipation, as the embryos grow, the uterus will Crimping anal shoulders, it will be caused a certain degree of urinary frequency or constipation; drink at the high-calcium milk, dairy products, however the recent turmoil, if not drink plenty of milk on the nutritional point of the soup, the best selection of pig bone扇骨, high calcium, spinal drink more will be relatively easy to be lit and if possible more than fish, if the morning sickness, then just do not, and anyway, fresh delicious nutritional point of things, eating food preservatives added point, I wish you Health and a lovely baby cow!

6. Even when milk was plentiful, many did not drink it for fear of the fatal " milk sickness ".

milk sickness

7. Woman in the treatment of non-meridian, pregnancy, production, milk sickness, we should take into account the " woman with blood-based " physical characteristics.

8. There have been no reported cases of sickness caused by drinking liquid milk, CCTV said.

9. Woman in the treatment of non-meridian, pregnancy, production, milk sickness, we should take into account the " woman with blood-based " physical characteristics.

milk sickness 单语例句

1. Thirteen specialists work round the clock scanning kidneys, looking for signs of sickness caused by toxic milk powder.

milk sickness 英英释义


1. caused by consuming milk from cattle suffering from trembles

2. disease of livestock and especially cattle poisoned by eating certain kinds of snakeroot

    Synonym: trembles
