military academy

military academy [ˈmilitəri əˈkædəmi]  [ˈmɪlɪˌtɛri əˈkædəmi] 

military academy 基本解释

名词军校; 陆军军官学校

military academy 网络解释


1. 军事院校:你也可以看以下网址:,这次中国比赛的对手没有美国国民警卫队了,但其他对手还是乱七八糟,什么军事院校(MILITARY ACADEMY)、预备役军官(RESERVE OFFICERS )、边境巡逻队(BORDER GUARD )、防空部

2. 军校:书院:tradition academy | 军校:military academy | 书院:Ancient Academy

3. 军队高校:国计学:Guoji Xue | 军队高校:military academy | 高等师范:Academy of Teaching

military academy 单语例句

1. She was deputy head of the research department of the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences, chairperson of the China Photographers Association and the China Women Photographers Association.

2. She also served as vice director of the military encyclopedia department of the PLA Academy of Military Sciences.

3. A new regulation on military academy enrolment was announced yesterday to increase transparency and improve the quality of students.

4. He cited the example of Ma, who used to attend training lessons with Xiong at a military academy.

5. Flipper, the first black graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point.

6. military academy

6. The army said Pinochet will lay in state Monday and Tuesday at the Military Academy in Santiago.


7. He entered a military academy to study English and was lucky to watched lots of Western movies as part of his learning English program.

8. Give full play to the " main channel " role of military academy in cultivating military talent.

9. He graduated from Huangpu Military Academy, which Sun founded in 1924.


10. The author is a researcher with the Chinese navy's military academy.

military academy 英英释义

military academy是什么意思


1. military academy在线翻译

1. an academy for training military officers
