
mileage [ˈmaɪlɪdʒ]  [ˈmaɪlɪdʒ] 



mileage 基本解释

名词英里数,里程; 好处,利润; (按英里计算的)运费; 〈美〉(公务员出差时)按英里支付的旅费

mileage 相关例句



1. He uses his own car for business purposes and is paid mileage.

2. What mileage has your car done?

mileage 网络解释


1. 哩数:用夸张的方式来形容,就是我把我一生该走的哩数(Mileage)都在这里走完了. 哈哈. 在新加坡工作的我,无可避免的,当然必须入乡随俗,把捷运变成了每日不可缺少的必需品. 每天早晨,太阳还没完全升起,就踏着匆忙的脚步到地铁站,

2. 里程表:怎样才能完全肯定车的里程表(mileage)是真实的?一般人只有二个方法:1)最好是一手车主,2)一定要有正规的汽车保养纪录,每次保养换油dealer都会打印一张记录纸,上面至少有车的vin,保养的时间日期和保养时的公里数,几年下来每次公里数的纪录在案,

mileage 词典解释

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1. 英里里程;(旅程的)英里数
    Mileage refers to the distance that you have travelled, measured in miles.

    e.g. Most of their mileage is in and around town.

2. (车辆消耗一加仑或一升汽油所行驶的)英里数
    The mileage of a vehicle is the number of miles that it can travel using one gallon or litre of fuel.

    e.g. They are willing to pay up to $500 more for cars that get better mileage.

3. 好处;益处;得益
    The mileage in a particular course of action is its usefulness in getting you what you want.

    e.g. It's obviously important to get as much mileage out of the convention as possible...
    e.g. The administration clearly decided there was no mileage in provoking a huge row with Congress.

mileage 单语例句

1. The city is planning to extend its expressway mileage to 746 km, build 388 km of railways and actively promote the light rail construction.

2. Compensation can be in the form of cash, discounted fares or mileage accumulations that can be redeemed for free trips.

3. mileage的反义词

3. Fuel consumption for vegetable oil is similar to diesel, which gets 20 to 30 percent better mileage than gasoline.

4. Hybrids deliver better mileage than comparable regular cars by switching between the gas engine and an electric motor.

5. mileage是什么意思

5. Hybrid cars twin a conventional engine with an electric motor to improve fuel efficiency and mileage.

6. Hybrid cars have a conventional combustion engine as well as an electric motor to improve mileage.

7. Replacing a clogged air filter can improve your gas mileage by 10%, saving up to 40 cents per gallon.

8. Car owners welcomed the move as a more scientific way to approach car expiration rather than simply judging from age and mileage.

9. Through seamless connections and frequent flyer mileage opportunities, the agreement will effectively enhance flight choices for customers departing from Africa or China.

10. Environmentalists have sought stricter mileage standards for years, saying that is the most effective way to curb greenhouse gas emissions and oil consumption.

mileage 英英释义


1. distance measured in miles

    Synonym: milage

2. mileage

2. a travel allowance at a given rate per mile traveled

3. the ratio of the number of miles traveled to the number of gallons of gasoline burned

    Synonym: fuel consumption rate gasoline mileage gas mileage
