
mightily [ˈmaɪtɪli]  [ˈmaɪtli] 

mightily 基本解释



mightily 相关例句



1. The good news pleased the family mightily.

2. He swore mightily.

3. We were mightily pleased at winning.

mightily 网络解释

1. 强烈地:might-have-been 可实现 | mightily 强烈地 | mightiness 强烈

2. 強而有力地;非常地:Common sense triumphed in the end. 人的理智終於戰勝了一切 | 39.mightily 強而有力地;非常地(=very) | mighty 有利的;非常地(=very)

3. 在很大程度上;非常:quote 引用;引述 | mightily 在很大程度上;非常 | paramout 最主要的;

mightily 词典解释

1. 非常;很;极其
    Mightily means to a great extent or degree.

    e.g. He had given a mightily impressive performance...
    e.g. She strove mightily to put Mike from her thoughts.

mightily 单语例句

1. The huge demographic dividend that the nation enjoys has contributed mightily to making the Chinese economy stronger over the past three decades.

2. Western social scientists'social learning theories inform us that examples function mightily on youthful minds.

3. mightily的解释

3. Bostock called any notion of accepting the offer " ludicrous, " saying it was crafted without input from Yahoo and weighted mightily in Microsoft's favor.

4. mightily的近义词

4. " He struggled mightily tonight, " Cavaliers coach Mike Brown said.

5. Their very appearance implies the leaders care mightily about the medals the athletes are trying to win.

6. China certainly has had a powerful influence and contributes mightily to the present and future commercial success of the NBA.

7. Policymakers too have been happy that the auto boom has contributed mightily to the country's economic growth.

8. Students may not accept the ancient Chinese grade test even if we promote it mightily.

9. Cleveland struggled mightily to provide residents with water for simple tasks like brushing teeth, but taps barely flowed.

mightily 英英释义


1. (Southern regional intensive) very
    to a great degree

    e.g. the baby is mighty cute
           he's mighty tired
           it is powerful humid
           that boy is powerful big now
           they have a right nice place
           they rejoiced mightily

    Synonym: mighty powerful right

2. powerfully or vigorously

    e.g. he strove mightily to achieve a better position in life
