
midpoint ['mɪdpɔɪnt]  [ˈmɪdˌpɔɪnt] 

midpoint 基本解释


midpoint 网络解释

1. 捕捉中点:不过得把面(PLAN)转成POLY的,然后选择这样就拷贝出厚度了举例:如果你同时开启了捕捉顶点(vertex)和中点(midpoint),那么当按下alt+s后会只捕捉顶点(vertex),中点(midpoint)将被关闭再按下alt+s后会只捕捉中点(midpoint),顶点(verte

2. 中间点:主要高潮,无论如何,必须随着第一幕和第二幕的转折产生. 另一个则可以在你的故事中间时段出现. 实际上故事的中间点(midpoint)是如此重要,以至于如果你拥有了一个扎实的故事中间点,即便第一幕的力量较弱,也能弥补其不足.

3. 中点 中点:Middle Center 正中点 正中 | Midpoint 中点 中点 | minsert 多重插入 插入图块阵列

midpoint 词典解释

1. midpoint

1. 中点;中心位置
    The midpoint between two things is the point that is the same distance from both things.

    e.g. ...the midpoint between Paris and Warsaw.
    e.g. ...the midpoint of the front of your house.

2. (事件进程的)中间,一半
    The midpoint of an event is the time halfway between the beginning and the end of it.

    e.g. She has not yet reached the midpoint of her life.
    e.g. ...the midpoint in the current fiscal year.

midpoint 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The median price is the midpoint, which means half of the homes sold for more and half for less.

2. midpoint的解释

2. The median is the midpoint, and thus refers to a typical household.

3. Each side compromised on a figure that was the midpoint between what Ortiz had sought and the team's final offer.

4. The distance between the head and the midpoint of the neckline is the most important feature for deciding the strength of the trend reversal.

5. Dufner made mo apologies for being an unknown atop the leaderboard at the midpoint of a major.

6. The Mavs hit their midpoint of the season by winning a fifth straight game, their best thus far.

7. The previous four months all had readings below the midpoint 50 figure.

8. Texas Instruments narrowed its forecast range for the quarter but kept the midpoint steady.

9. Since then the daily midpoint has entered a period of ups and downs.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. This is just above the midpoint of the previous symmetrical triangle pattern.

midpoint 英英释义


1. danci.911cha.com

1. a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure

    Synonym: center centre
