middle part

middle part [ˈmidl pɑ:t]  [ˈmidl pɑrt] 

middle part 基本解释
middle part 网络解释

1. 中间链节:首端链节 Start part | 中间链节 Middle part | 末端链节 End part

2. 中部:97, 下部, Lower part, | 98, 中部, Middle part, | 99, 上部, Upper part,

3. 我的心中:And I lose myself again 讓我又再次瘋狂...(副歌) | Middle part 我的心中 | Something in your touch 有什麼因為你而起

middle part 单语例句

1. To extend the payroll tax cut for the middle class is a major part of Obama's job act announced in early September this year.

2. Analyst said exports rose in part because Sinopec increased its capacity to process oil from the Middle East.

3. The French counsellor had worked in the middle part of France for eight years before he came to China.

4. Zhangshiyan Crag scenic area lies in Zanhuang County, the middle part of the Taihang Mountains.

5. middle part的解释

5. The crater is shaped like a double taper with protruding south and north peaks and sunken middle part.

6. middle part在线翻译

6. The upper part is about the heaven, the middle part is about the earth and the lower part is about the afterlife.

7. And it is part of the fastest growing economic region in the world with a growing middle class and fast rising incomes.

8. He lost not only one eye, but also his left hand and the first part of his right middle finger.

9. We are fortunate to base here where Hong Kong is very much in the middle of Asia and now a part of China.

10. middle part是什么意思

10. Foreign Minister Michel Barnier is in Amman as part of a Middle East mission that has rallied support from Arab leaders.
