1. 缩微胶卷:它通常有缩微平片(microfiche)、缩微胶卷(microfilm)两种. 这种物质形式现在主要用于保存过期文献,如报纸、档案、银行票据. 也有部分文献直接以缩微形式出版. 缩微型文献的优点是体积小,存储密度高,传递方便,可以大大节省存储空间.
2. 微缩胶卷:图书馆的微型化通常是透过微缩胶卷(microfilm)完成,这过程至少有这些好处(国立中正大学图书馆使用者指南,1988):目前根据美国图书馆学专家威廉.凯芝(William Katz)估计,在1930年左右,全球书籍约有一千五百万至二千万种之间,
3. 微缩影片:(A)须提供商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)代表检查(B)须提供法务部(Department of Justice)检查 (C)依法令应保存之簿册纪录,应自保存日起保存四年(D)簿册纪录得于应保存期限之后三年以微缩影片(microfilm)保存42.美国与我国有关期货交易授
4. 缩微胶片:据说被用於做实验的那艘驱逐舰为艾尔德里奇号(USS Eldridge)那一段时间都在纽约, 百幕达与诺福克, 就是没到过费城.4E43(USS Eldridge 二战期间的作战日志, 以缩微胶片(microfilm)的方式完整保存, 编号为 NRS-1978-26, 有意查证者,
1. 缩微胶卷
Microfilm is film that is used for photographing information and storing it in a reduced form.
1. The Beijing News recently described the future of the microfilm as being " hijacked " by advertisers.
2. Most websites fund their microfilm programs with money from advertisers, such as Youku partnering with the electronics company Philips or Sina with Samsung.
3. Dongping county will organize activities including bell ringing, prayers and microfilm screenings to celebrate the carnival.
4. Statistics like this have prompted many companies to jump onto the microfilm bandwagon.
1. film on which materials are photographed at greatly reduced size
useful for storage
a magnification system is used to read the material
1. record on microfilm