
metre ['mi:tə(r)]  [ˈmitɚ] 


metre 基本解释

名词米,公尺; 格律,韵律

metre 网络解释


1. 公尺:随著让小人发抖的大声,直径 3 公尺 (metre) 、长度 20 公尺 (metre) 的残忍的食指下用群的边震动,使之陷入在[於] 於一刹那之内地面巫婆微小和数只. 那个是一刹那的事件. 健二们 30 名的小人们不知道发生了什麼.

2. 格律:再加上十四句六换步一渐强(我以为这就是十四行诗的乐格或者说和声,应该算小七和弦式(当然你也可以理解为大三和弦与小三和弦的叠合),这也就是莎翁的诗学创新和贡献)的偶句格律(metre)所谓十四行体格,莎翁的句子当然就能悲情壮如牛,

3. 米,公尺:▲method 方法,办法 | metre 米,公尺 | ▲microscope 显微镜

metre 词典解释
in AM, use 美国英语用 meter

    A metre is a metric unit of length equal to 100 centimetres.

    e.g. Chris Boardman won the Olympic 4,000 metres pursuit...
    e.g. The tunnel is 10 metres wide and 600 metres long.


2. (诗歌的)韵律,格律
    In the study of poetry, metre is the regular and rhythmic arrangement of syllables according to particular patterns.

    e.g. They must each compose a poem in strict alliterative metre...
    e.g. All of the poems are written in traditional metres and rhyme schemes.

metre 单语例句

1. For example, houses in China are usually priced by the square metre.

2. metre的翻译

2. Close to the " tree monks " is an abandoned charcoal kiln about 2 metres in diameter and half a metre deep.


3. The satellite will be able to differentiate objects a metre or more in diameter, though US military satellites offer far better levels of resolution.

4. His prize - a gigantic mooncake one metre in diameter and weighing in at a whopping 20 kilograms.

5. Weighing as much as half a ton and measuring about 1 metre in diameter, the nests cause frequent power cuts.

6. They said their oaths out loud and cut a huge cake one metre in diameter.

7. The Scots too missed a scoring opportunity when Paterson was hauled down a metre short of the try line.

8. The amounts vary in China but each family pays on average 80 fen for every cubic metre of sewage.

9. Each five metre line takes three hours to apply using only the finest squirrel and ox hair brushes.

10. metre什么意思

10. " I was sometimes in very narrow veins of about one metre with a jackhammer, " Trichet recalled in an interview in August last year.

metre 英英释义


1. rhythm as given by division into parts of equal duration

    Synonym: meter time

2. (prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse

    Synonym: meter measure beat cadence

3. the basic unit of length adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites (approximately 1.094 yards)

    Synonym: meter m
