1. 方法演技:方法演技(Method Acting)演变自俄国戏剧大师史坦尼斯拉夫斯基的理念,在美国被发扬光大,是一种演员经过细心分析及了解角色的情绪及动机,从而做出角色的心理状态及真实情感.
2. 体验派表演方法,方法式演出:rerun 重映 | Method acting 体验派表演方法,方法式演出 | off-Broadway 非百老汇,小剧场
1. Perhaps he is using some of his " method acting " to overcome jet lag.
2. Huang took the movie soundtrack to heart before performing to it at Foshan Aquatic Center, an experience she likened to method acting.
3. The acting method or mode may differ, but the actor could be played by anyone.
1. an acting technique introduced by Stanislavsky in which the actor recalls emotions or reactions from his or her own life and uses them to identify with the character being portrayed
Synonym: method