
meth [meθ]  [meθ] 

meth 基本解释
meth 网络解释

1. 程序设计方法学:功能高分子 Functional Polymer | InternetIntranet(英) InternetIntranet | 程序设计方法学 Meth

2. 甲基:metermultiplier 仪表量程倍增器 | meth- 甲基 | methacrolein 甲基丙烯醛

3. 药品 大麻 也可能是可卡因 甲安菲他明|总有人进进出出的:Over here, now, got some dealing going on,|I think, you... | Pills, weed, maybe a little coke, meth.|A lot of coming and going.|药品 大麻 也可能是可卡因 甲安菲他明|总有人进进出出的 | Interesting thing ...

4. 安菲他明(兴奋剂):Brawl: 争吵 | Meth: 安菲他明(兴奋剂) | Fad: 时尚

5. meth:methamphetamine; 甲基苯丙胺

meth 单语例句

1. meth的翻译

1. He pleaded guilty in January to conspiracy to distribute drugs as part of a deal requiring to cooperate with an investigation of meth suppliers.

2. meth的反义词

2. The driver is thought to have taken crystal meth on Friday evening and only slept for four hours before he started driving on Sunday morning.

3. District Judge Ronald Ellis in Manhattan federal court to conspiracy to distribute crystal meth and cocaine and to heroin possession.

4. Crystal meth is also known as methamphetamine, a stimulant which is on WADA's list of prohibited substances and methods.

5. A writer from SI first revealed the crystal meth reference on a Twitter posting on Tuesday.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Mexico is the primary source of the meth sold in the United States, according to US drug intelligence reports.

7. The driver was believed to have taken crystal meth on April 20.

8. meth的解释

8. However, heroin and crystal meth were still the two most widely used illegal drugs last year.

9. An associate handed over the finished meth to a local dealer to hold.

10. The factory is one of the largest meth labs discovered in southern Taiwan in recent years.

meth 英英释义


1. an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride
    used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant

    Synonym: methamphetamine methamphetamine hydrochloride Methedrine deoxyephedrine chalk chicken feed crank glass ice shabu trash
