mete out

mete out

mete out 单语例句

1. He pledged to mete out severe penalties to the real estate company if the investigation team finds it violated the law.

2. The Inner Mongolia team also said it would mete out punishment after its investigations had been completed.

3. Some Western media and NTC officials said early last month that Libya will mete out rewards to countries according to their support of the council.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Graner said he complained repeatedly to superiors about the rough treatment he says he was forced to mete out to prisoners.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. China's top court has pledged to mete out harsher punishments to government employees and officials found guilty of corruption.

6. mete out在线翻译

6. In a mature market, regulators would mete out severe punishment on those who infringe upon public interest.

7. He promised to mete out severe punishment for any official involved in fraud in relation to the mine.

8. The move comes during the ongoing Central Economic Work Conference, which is expected to mete out solutions to rein in inflation.

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9. The association has decided not to mete out penalties to its players since QPR assistant manager Richard Hill was suspended for involvement in the brawl.
