
metallurgy [məˈtælədʒi]  [ˈmetlɜ:rdʒi]


metallurgy 基本解释


metallurgy 网络解释

1. 冶金学:到冶金学(Metallurgy)研究出来后失效200工业值,让所有城市里的一个满足的市民高兴. 到铁路(railroad)研究出后失效. 300工业值,所有城市的寺庙效果加倍,神学(theology)研究出后失效200工业值,和所有其他文明建立外交关系并建立领事馆,

2. 冶金:/社会科学和传播学药品和美容产品(Medicinal and cosmetic products)涉及专业:卫生和医学医学(Medicine)涉及专业:衔接课程和预科课程/卫生和医学中世纪研究(Medieval studies)涉及专业:人文科学冶金(Metallurgy)涉及专业:工程技术

3. 冶金術:不过要生产这个兵种,你必需先到市场里小仓优子新浪博客台湾腿模 射程加1,杀伤面积变大,其它不变 最高级骑兵 (Cataphract) 冶金术(Metallurgy),由Storage Pit中的tool working技术发展而来 制造原料:食物,黑袜吊丝女 原图信这会使你节省宝贵的时间.

4. 冶金工程:<<北京科技大学学报(英文)>>是由北京科技大学主办的专业性英文学术科技期刊,面向国内外专家征稿,1994年创刊,双月刊,双月25日出版,国内外公开发行,本刊主要刊登矿业工程(Mineral)、冶金工程(Metallurgy)、材料科学与工程(Materials)等领域的最新研究成果,

metallurgy 词典解释

1. 冶金学
    Metallurgy is the scientific study of the properties and uses of metals.

metallurgy 单语例句

1. Shanxi is a leading energy base with pillar industries of coal, metallurgy and chemical products.

2. The violators were mostly chemical and metallurgy plants, construction companies and restaurants.

3. metallurgy

3. Seeing this dramatic hike in demand, a large number of new tungsten metallurgy and processing enterprises sprang up.

4. The projects cover six areas ranging from the electronic industry to metallurgy and agriculture.

5. Environmental monitoring measures indicated the water source of the villagers was polluted by industrial waste from a nearby metallurgy enterprise.

6. The vanadium and titanium metallurgy industrial construction zone is the second largest magnetite reserve in China and technical advantage in the vanadium industry.

7. metallurgy

7. Guishan Hill and the Phoenix Hill are well known mining and metallurgy sites.

8. And law enforcement workers found another and bigger metallurgy plant on the site and bulldozed both of them yesterday afternoon.

9. Heilongjiang is rich in mineral resources with relatively low costs of mining, making it a perfect place to run metallurgy businesses.

10. He was also formerly with the metallurgy ministry in Beijing and in the northwestern Shaanxi Province.

metallurgy 英英释义


1. metallurgy

1. the science and technology of metals
