
messuage ['meswɪdʒ]  ['meswɪdʒ] 

messuage 基本解释


名词家宅; 宅院

messuage 网络解释


1. 院宅:mesne profit 租值补偿金;中间收益 | messuage 院宅 | messuage and tenement 院宅及物业

2. 家宅:messmate 同餐之友 | messuage 家宅 | messy 肮脏的

3. 家宅院:●庭院 Yard | 家宅院 messuage | 门廊 porch, covered porch

4. 宅院:assuage 缓和,减轻 | messuage 宅院 | cleavage 裂缝,分裂

messuage 双语例句

1. Pounds plus 21/2% interest on the same, repayable quarterly in equal annual instalments until extinction by amortisation of loan advanced for purchase within a period of 20 years, amounting to an annual rental of 64 pounds, headrent included, the titledeeds to remain in possession of the lender or lenders with a saving clause envisaging forced sale, foreclosure and mutual compensation in the event of protracted failure to pay the terms assigned, otherwise the messuage to become the absolute property of the tenant occupier upon expiry of the period of years stipulated.

2. It is an old messuage and my daughter's lodging is a row of old-fashioned houses.

3. The alley is the cause of my going there with my daughter in search of his traces, and is also the first picture in a series in the album. In September 1995, my daughter entered kindergarten in Big Stone Tiger Alley on the west side of Shichahai. It is an old messuage and my daughter's lodging is a row of old-fashioned houses.

4. The works like The meaning of life, loneliness, Spring in Beiwang Yuan, He Dajie`s messuage, Fellow countyman—Kang Tiangang and The old maid, were all the reflection of Luo Binji`s thinking towards the real gray life. In order to further probe into the origin of gray life, in the works of The Event of 1944 and The statement of an honest person, Luo Binji extended the criticize to the dark society. Facing the dark reality, Because of love showed the history bounded to oppose.

5. Messuage →messagen.

messuage 英英释义



1. (law) a dwelling house and its adjacent buildings and the adjacent land used by the household
