mess around

mess around [mes əˈraund]  [mɛs əˈraʊnd] 

mess around 基本解释


胡闹,弄乱; 粗鲁地对待

mess around 相关例句


1. That Romeo tried to mess around with every lady in the office.

2. He messed around on the job until the boss told him to shape up.

mess around 网络解释

1. 浪费时间:mesquite 豆科灌木 | mess around 浪费时间 | mess hall 食堂

2. 弄混:新手 green hand | 弄混 mess around | 运动鞋 sneakers

3. [美俚]浪费时间, 混乱; 管闲事:mess about [口]胡乱摆弄; 瞎混; 瞎忙; 胡闹, 粗鲁对待某人, 动手动脚 | mess around [美俚]浪费时间, 混乱; 管闲事 | mess together 集体用餐

4. 亂搞:432 黑鬼 nigger 0 264000 | 433 亂搞 mess around 0 464000 | 434 亂講 bull shit 0 510000

mess around 词典解释
in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 mess about

1. 无所事事;混日子;闲荡
    If you mess around or mess about, you spend time doing things without any particular purpose or without achieving anything.

    e.g. We were just messing around playing with paint...
    e.g. Stop messing about and go and buy one...

2. 乱弄;瞎摆弄
    If you say that someone is messing around with or messing about with something, you mean that they are interfering with it in a harmful way.

    e.g. Boys and girls will enjoy messing about with any kind of machine.
    e.g. I'd like to know who's been messing about with the pram.

3. 胡闹;瞎闹
    If someone is messing around or messing about, they are behaving in a joking or silly way.

    e.g. I thought she was messing about.

4. 恶劣地对待;玩弄
    If you mess someone around or mess them about, you treat them badly, for example by not being honest with them, or by continually changing plans which affect them.

    e.g. Davison had pulled out of a move to his old club because they had 'messed him about'...
    e.g. I think they've been messed around far too much.

mess around 单语例句

1. They swore and threw banana skins around, making a mess in the legislative chamber.

2. They're running around the hotel now, playing games and making a giant mess!

3. mess around

3. " You look around in the Middle East right now and it's a total mess, " he said.

mess around 英英释义


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly

    e.g. The old lady is usually mucking about in her little house

    Synonym: putter potter tinker monkey monkey around muck about muck around
