
merger [ˈmɜ:dʒə(r)]  [ˈmɜ:rdʒə(r)] 



merger 基本解释


名词(两个公司的)合并; 联合体; 吸收

merger 相关例句


1. There are rumors of a merger involving several major railroad companies.

merger 网络解释


1. 并购:根据已出版的相关书籍和报刊来看,广义的并购(M&A)通常包括并购(Merger)、收购(Acquisition)、合并(Consolidation)和接管(Take over)等. 而<<大不列颠百科全书>>对并购的解释是:两家或更多的独立企业合并成一家企业,

merger 词典解释

1. (公司、组织等的)合并,归并
    A merger is the joining together of two separate companies or organizations so that they become one.

    e.g. ...a merger between two of Britain's biggest trades unions.
    e.g. ...the proposed merger of two Japanese banks.

merger 单语例句

1. Air China discussed merger plans with China Southern Airlines in 2000, which was later denied by CAAC under the excuse of avoiding possible monopolies.

2. The ongoing merger between China Eastern Airlines and Shanghai Airlines has raised market expectations about the new carrier's performance in the third quarter.

3. Our experience shows that very few companies can painlessly carry off a merger or an acquisition.

4. Cassia aims to expand in the culture sector, and Chen said it is looking for merger and acquisition opportunities in this field.

5. Three decades of devoted service allowed the ambitious man to become the company's CEO in 2001 before its merger with Chevron.


6. Last week the administration rejected GM's proposal for capital from the Treasury to help it finance a possible merger with Chrysler.

7. In a reverse merger, a closely held company buys a publicly traded shell and retains the US listing.

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8. " We are pleased that shareholders of both companies have demonstrated support for this groundbreaking merger, " said CME executive chairman Terry Duffy.

9. The process started with the creation of the Bailian Group through the merger of four key commercial and distribution businesses.


10. Such harsh measures to justify a commercial transaction are clearly inapplicable in the proposed merger between MTRC and KCRC.

merger 英英释义



1. the combination of two or more commercial companies

    Synonym: amalgamation uniting

2. an occurrence that involves the production of a union

    Synonym: fusion unification
