mental process

mental process [ˈmentl ˈprəuses]  [ˈmɛntl ˈprɑsˌɛs] 

mental process 基本解释


mental process 网络解释

1. 心理过程:简介: 心理过程(mental process)人的心理活动发生、发展的过程. 具体地说,是指在客观事物的作用下,在一定的时间内大脑反映客观现实的过程. 心理过程包括认识过程、情感过程与意志过程三个方面,其中认识过程是 ...心理过程(mental process)人的心理活动发生、发展的过程.

2. 心智过程:最终,也就是整个心智过程(mental process)的问题,以及朝向更宽广的认识论统合问题 . 下一节,我们将迈入贝特森的着作中,最复杂最难解的认识论观点,这也是他用来取代西方二元对立思考方式的重要观点.

3. 心理过程 [智力过程;智力处理]:mental model 心理模型 | mental process 心理过程 [智力过程;智力处理] | metalanguage 超语言

4. 心理历程:心理学||Psychology | 心理历程||mental process | 心理检查||mental examination

mental process 单语例句

1. It would automatically restore the purchasing rights of veterans who were diagnosed with mental problems as part of the process of obtaining disability benefits.

2. He said the process of selecting the right players depends more on their whole ability, especially their mental game.

mental process 英英释义


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. (psychology) the performance of some composite cognitive activity
    an operation that affects mental contents

    e.g. the process of thinking
           the cognitive operation of remembering

    Synonym: process cognitive process operation cognitive operation
