精神障碍; 精神病; 神经病; 神经错乱
1. 精神障碍:精神障碍(mental disorder)指在各种致病因素(包括物理、化学、生物、心理、社会等方面的因素)影响下所导致的精神活动的失调或异常情况的总称. 人的精神活动主要指整个心理现象,包括两个方面:一方面包括人的三个心理过程,即认识过程、情感过程和意志过程.
2. 精神病:关于这个我可以给你介绍一下,国际上关于精神病(mental disorder)的界定,都是相当谨慎的. 就算一个人符合standards里的4-5点,只能说怀疑精神病,而不是确诊. 而且,在讲人权的国家,这些都是作为个人隐私,不能在大众之下宣扬的.
3. 心理障碍:心理障碍(mental disorder)是对多种心理、行为异常和失调的统称,这些异常现象产生的原因涉及生物学、心理学和社会学三个方面的诸多因素,是他们综合作用的结果.
1. Anxiety disorder is the most commonly reported mental health concern among children.
2. The handsome midfielder has spent many years battling Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a distressing mental condition which forces its suffers to perform strange rituals.
3. But she also noted that many might confuse a depressive state with depression, a medically defined mental disorder.
4. The professor's words imply that all such petitioners suffer from mental disorder and should be admitted to correctional institutes.
5. " But he doesn't have a mental disorder and is capable of assuming criminal responsibility, " he said.
6. Police said Wu did not have a record of mental illness, but they have to depend on experts'diagnosis to decide if he suffers mental disorder.
7. The doctor said he took into account different symptoms when diagnosing mental disorder.
8. A law that defined homosexual activities a crime of hooliganism was abolished in 1997 and homosexuality was delisted as a mental disorder in 2001.
9. A man in Chongqing municipality was diagnosed with mental disorder after his girlfriend forced him to go shopping with her one too many times.
10. Special accommodation and guardianship have to be offered to children and adolescents according to the degree of their psychiatric disorder and chances of mental development.
1. danci.911chaxun.com
1. (psychiatry) a psychological disorder of thought or emotion
a more neutral term than mental illness
Synonym: mental disturbance disturbance psychological disorder folie