1. 兆周:mega electron volt 兆电子伏 | megacycle 兆周 | megawatt 兆瓦
2. 巨旋回:megacrystal 大晶 | megacycle 巨旋回 | megacyclothem 巨旋回层
3. 兆赫兹:mega 兆 | megacycle 兆赫兹 | megadynamics 巨动力学
4. 兆周;巨旋回:megacurie 兆居里 | megacycle 兆周;巨旋回 | megacyclepersecond 兆赫
1. Wedge: You bet. And the best part is we still had half a megacycle left for the western loop and beyond that, too.
2. An acoustic-emission pulse contains a very wide range of frequency components, extending up into the megacycle range.
3. Theoretically, system memory bus with a speed of 66 MHz and a 64-bit data bus bandwidth can move 528 megabytes of data per second maximum(66 megacycle/sec*64 bits*1 byte/8 bits=528MB/sec).
在理论上,66MHz 速度的系统存储总线加上64位数据总线带宽,一秒钟内最多可传送528兆字节的数据。
4. Hightower: We did two global routes in one megacycle!
1. one million periods per second
Synonym: megahertz MHz megacycle per second Mc