meet up

meet up

meet up 单语例句

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1. Carter is scheduled to meet the former Maoist leaders whose rebels gave up their insurgency last year to join the peace process.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. When Castle and Kable finally meet up there is a flash of the ironic wit that makes Hall so effective on Dexter.

3. You might meet this person under competitive circumstances at work or at a social function with both of you trying to one up the other.

4. But many financing vehicles have been set up by local governments to raise funds to circumvent the law and meet demand for financing.

5. Enterprises that cannot meet national or local discharging standards will be ordered to restructure themselves or even close down and clean up their production methods.

6. EU leaders next meet on Monday in Brussels to draw up a fiscal compact to strengthen governance of the euro area.

7. I know the sons and daughters of China will rally to the call, and rise up to meet the challenge of overcoming this great adversity.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. To meet demand this year, many companies have stepped up to offer the service.


9. The CBRC urged banks nationwide to speed up financial innovations and mechanism reform in a bid to meet diversified demands in the rural areas.

10. Because the food supply there failed to meet the demand, it was very common that people in Wuyuan dug up various wild plants for food.
