medical record

medical record [ˈmedikəl riˈkɔ:d]  [ˈmɛdɪkəl rɪˈkɚd] 

medical record 基本解释

名词病案; 病历卡,病史档案

medical record 网络解释


1. 病历卡:medical psychotherapy 医药心理治疗法 医药心理治疗法 | medical record 病历卡 | medical rehabilitation 医疗康复

2. 病历记录:医疗保健:medical treatment | 病历记录:Medical record | 医药代表:medical representative

3. 病案室:会议室:Meeting Room | 病案室:Medical Record | 统计室:Statistics Room

medical record 单语例句

1. The medical record says " tai ci 2 ", which Lin said means " two babies ".

2. medical record

2. Li said he knew Xiaofeng decided to fake the medical record he got from the cancer hospital and submit it to the third hospital.

3. They were told to write a medical record within a set time.

4. It stipulates that the medical record should be written in Chinese and foreign languages and only universal abbreviations can be used.

5. The medical record showed the boy had no pulse or blood pressure when he was taken to the hospital.

6. medical record的意思

6. The agreement will be archived as part of the patient's medical record, the circular said.

medical record 英英释义

medical record的反义词


1. medical record

1. the case history of a medical patient as recalled by the patient

    Synonym: medical history anamnesis
