名词胎尿,胎粪,蛹便; 袂康; 罂粟
1. 胎粪:在皮肤皱摺中可以发现少量胎脂,若呈深黄或绿色,通常称为羊水中有胎粪(meconium)的徵象. 过熟儿特别容易有胎儿窘迫(fetal distress)的倾向,最高危险群是发生在分娩及生产的压力时,特别是初孕妇(primigravida).
2. 鸦片:meconine 袂康宁 | meconium 鸦片 | mediasilicic rock 中硅质岩
3. 蛹便:mecistocirrhosis of cow 牛捻转胃虫病 | meconium 蛹便 | median 中位数
4. 胎粪,鸦片:lipoid 脂质;脂样的 | meconium 胎粪,鸦片 | chorion 绒毛膜
1. Women with companions were 49 percent less likely to have amniotic fluid stained with meconium than women who delivered on their own.
1. thick dark green mucoid material that is the first feces of a newborn child