
mechanical [məˈkænɪkl]  [mɪˈkænɪkəl] 

mechanical 基本解释

形容词机械的,机械学的; 呆板的; 体力的; 手工操作的

mechanical 反义词


mechanical 网络解释

1. 机械:掌握计算机的过程可以分成三个阶段:(1)机械(mechanical):就是一种摹仿阶段,例如,老师教学生用ctrl+s 进行保存操作,学生就只知道用ctrl+s 可以进行保存.

2. 机械层:各层颜色及作用:ERC错误:绿色,顶层型号层:红色,底层信号层:蓝色,禁止布线层:紫色,机械层(mechanical)紫色,用来标注电路板物理尺寸,实验层:用来绘制元器件外形轮廓,序号标识等各层颜色及作用:ERC错误:绿色,顶层型号层:红色,

3. 机械工程:以 CMMI 为名,主要是采用土木工程 (Civil) 、机械工程 (Mechanical) 、制造(Manufacturing)与创新 (Innovation) 的第一个字母为缩写,本研讨会涵盖的领域包括工业工程、工程设计与所有制造相关的研究.

mechanical 词典解释

1. 机械的;机动的
    A mechanical device has parts that move when it is working, often using power from an engine or from electricity.

    e.g. ...a small mechanical device that taps out the numbers.
    e.g. ...the oldest working mechanical clock in the world...

The air was circulated mechanically.

2. mechanical的翻译

2. 机械方面的;机械原理的
    Mechanical means relating to machines and engines and the way they work.

    e.g. ...mechanical engineering...
    e.g. The company undertakes mechanical work on all types of cars...

The car was mechanically sound, he decided.

3. (人)精通机械的;擅长于机械原理的
    If you describe a person as mechanical, you mean they are naturally good at understanding how machines work.

    e.g. He was a very mechanical person, who knew a lot about sound...
    e.g. I'm not mechanical like my father; I have to follow the instructions.

I'm not mechanically minded.

4. (行为)机械的,呆板的,不动脑筋的
    If you describe someone's action as mechanical, you mean that they do it automatically, without thinking about it.

    e.g. It is real prayer, and not mechanical repetition...
    e.g. Many girls have a kind of mechanical attitude towards sex...

He nodded mechanically, his eyes fixed on the girl.
mechanical 单语例句

1. Ngong Ping 360 officials announced the reopening yesterday after the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department lifted the closure order on the cable car system.

2. It said the capital raised would be used to procure construction facilities, expand the manufacturing capacity of mechanical equipment and invest in properties and railways.

3. The authority ruled out mechanical problems following a routine check of all its No 322 buses citywide.

4. " That mechanical cleanup has proven to be pretty effective, " Rinehart said.

5. The damage predated modern pollution and mechanical seafood harvesting and began thousands of years ago as humans exploited resources in coastal waters.

6. Disney World reopened the Rock'n'Roller Coaster on Friday after theme park inspectors found no mechanical problems.

7. The ASME is the leading international developer of codes and standards associated with mechanical engineering in the world.

8. These wooden toys are vividly colored and have a simple but smart mechanical design that enables the toys to move and make noises.

9. The German was eying a third consecutive title win but got his plan screwed after mechanical errors occured to his radio.

10. Raikkonen was forced to retire with a mechanical problem while a spectacular crash in qualifying left Hamilton doubtful to even take part in the race.

mechanical 英英释义



1. using (or as if using) mechanisms or tools or devices

    e.g. a mechanical process
           his smile was very mechanical
           a mechanical toy

2. relating to or governed by or in accordance with mechanics

    e.g. a belief that the universe is a mechanical contrivance
           the mechanical pressure of a strong wind

3. relating to or concerned with machinery or tools

    e.g. mechanical arts
           mechanical design
           mechanical skills

    Synonym: mechanically skillful
