meat wagon

meat wagon [mi:t ˈwæɡən]  [mit ˈwæɡən] 

meat wagon 基本解释
meat wagon 网络解释

1. (绞肉车):石像鬼(Gargoyle) 石像鬼是可以攻击地面和空中目标的空军单位绞肉车(Meat Wagon) 这种机械攻城单位可以在远距离外攻击地面单位和建筑物,也可以用来清除树木.

2. 无-血河车、棺材车、运尸车:Gargoyle-garg-石像鬼 | Meat Wagon-无-血河车、棺材车、运尸车 | Obsidian Statue-无-黑曜石魔(雕、塑)像、黑箱子

3. 救护车:meat safe 食品橱 | meat wagon 救护车 | meat

4. 投刃车:Mana Shield魔法盾,蛇发女妖的技能 | meat wagon投刃车 | medusa蛇发女妖的名字,美杜莎

meat wagon 双语例句

1. At any time, corpses can be pulled from the Meat Wagon and raised into undead warriors.

meat wagon是什么意思

2. One of the strangest and most dire tools utilized by the undead Scourge is the dreaded Meat Wagon.

3. Necromancers – these would be seen more if they didn`t have such an investment. Along with the Meat Wagon upgrade they have 5 upgrades!

4. The Meat Wagon can also'fling'diseased corpses at enemy units by use of a crude catapult device.

meat wagon的意思

5. An invaluable support vehicle for the Scourge, the Meat Wagon strikes fear and woe into the hearts of even the most resolute defenders.
