
measles [ˈmi:zlz]  [ˈmizəlz] 

measles 基本解释

名词<医>麻疹; [兽](牛,猪的)囊虫病; [摄]斑点; <美俚>梅毒,麻疹的红斑点

measles 网络解释

1. 麻疹:麻 疹(Measles)是由麻疹病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病. 主要症状有发热、全身疲倦、咳嗽、畏光、流泪、眼结膜充血、皮肤出现红色斑丘疹,严重可并发肺炎、脑炎、中耳炎等. 流行性腮腺炎(Mumps) 是腮腺炎病毒引起的一种儿童、青少年为主要感染对象的急性呼吸道传染病,

2. 痲疹:另外幾種常常會引起聽力問題的病毒感染是腮腺炎(mumps)、痲疹(measles)、水痘(chickenpox)及少部份的流行感冒病毒. ...

3. 麻疹;風疹:Maturation成熟; | Measles 麻疹,风疹 | Mechanical removed methods 机械去除方法

4. 西班牙麻疹病:太平洋叶螨 Tetranychus pacificus | 二班叶螨 Tetranychus urticae | 西班牙麻疹病 Measles

measles 词典解释

1. 麻疹
    Measles is an infectious illness that gives you a high temperature and red spots on your skin.

measles 单语例句

1. Acute diarrhea, tetanus and measles have already killed dozens of people since the quake.

2. Measles is a kind of acute respiratory disease with symptoms characterized by rashes, fever and coughing.

3. Measles is an acute infectious respiratory tract disease that is caused by the measles virus.


4. " China is strongly committed to eliminating measles, " Cairns said.

5. Health experts said measles and encephalitis are two of the most contagious of all human viruses.

6. Many of them some 27 million also miss out on vaccines against common diseases, such as measles and whooping cough.

7. Very high coverage during upcoming immunization campaigns will be critical to interrupt measles virus transmission throughout the Region.

8. measles的翻译

8. Chen noted that the current measles control areas in various regions were diverse, and it was quite difficult to provide vaccines for special groups such as migrant workers.


9. This year's National Immunization Day focus is measles elimination and hepatitis B control.

10. measles的意思

10. The largest immunization program against measles in the country has been encountering opposition from many netizens.

measles 英英释义


1. an acute and highly contagious viral disease marked by distinct red spots followed by a rash
    occurs primarily in children

    Synonym: rubeola morbilli
