
meadowlark [ˈmedəʊlɑ:k]  [ˈmedoʊlɑ:rk] 

meadowlark 基本解释
meadowlark 网络解释


1. 草地鹨:曾经为数很多的食米鸟(bobolink)和草地鹨(meadowlark)的种群数量在新英格兰(New England)也减少了,利伊认为英国的报告提醒环保主义者要关注普通物种,就像关注稀有濒危物种那样.

2. 野百灵:loon 潜鸟 | meadowlark 野百灵 | mockingbird 模仿鸟

meadowlark 双语例句


1. Any of various songbirds of the genus Sturnella of North America, especially S. magna, the eastern meadowlark, and S. neglecta, the western meadowlark, having brownish plumage, a yellow breast, and a black crescent - shaped marking beneath the throat.

2. Any of several similar birds, such as the meadowlark.

3. Song is reminiscent of the introduced Western Meadowlark.

4. A meadowlark of western North America.


5. The once plentiful bobolink and meadowlark are also dwindling in New England, and Leahy noted that the British research is a reminder to conservationists to keep their eye on the common species as well as the rare endangered ones.

6. One of the gems of Fairfax County, Vienna is home to such attractions as the Meadowlark Botanical Gardens and the rolling greens of the private Westwood Country Club.

meadowlark 英英释义



1. North American songbirds having a yellow breast

    Synonym: lark
