
maximise ['mæksɪmaɪz]  ['mæksəmaɪz] 

maximise 基本解释


及物动词使(某事物)增至最大限度; 最大限度地利用(某事物)

maximise 网络解释

1. 最大化:根本此,他在<<人、国家与恐惧>>中提出了两个至关重要的问题:一是安全的指涉对象(referent object)是他们也不赞成将安全和人的需求(human needs) 联系起来,进而把安全问题看成是一种可以最大化(maximise)的积极目标③.

2. <主英>:ill-kempt 不整洁的, 蓬乱的 | maximise <主英> maximize | oleaginous food 含油食品

3. 极大化:matrix operation 矩阵运算 | maximise 极大化 | maximum point 极大点

4. 使......最大化:2-03 loss 损失,亏损 | 2-03 maximise 使......最大化 | 2-03 take-away 所取得的,所拿走的

maximise 单语例句

1. maximise在线翻译

1. Experts have called for China to use the weekend's ASEAN summits to balance and harmonize trade relations and maximise the benefits of economic cooperation.

2. Producers hope to maximise the programme's popularity by launching the series next year.

3. She has reportedly had a number of eggs frozen to maximise her chances of having a baby at a later date.

maximise 英英释义


1. make as big or large as possible

    e.g. Maximize your profits!

    Synonym: maximize

2. make the most of

    e.g. He maximized his role

    Synonym: maximize
