
mastiff [ˈmæstɪf]  [ˈmæstɪf] 


mastiff 基本解释


mastiff 网络解释

1. 马士提夫犬:培育牧羊犬是为了牧羊;马士提夫犬(Mastiff)为了防卫;灰狗则是为了猎捕羚羊. 在古中国的记录中显示. 西元前3400年的皇帝伏义氏,还特地培养一种迷你犬做为冬天暖手之用. 西元79年因维苏威火山爆发被覆没的庞贝城,有许多门上刻著「CAVE CANEM」,

2. 马士提夫獒犬:马士提夫獒犬(MASTIFF) 历史:公元3000年前,在古埃及的绘画上即有近似獒犬的画像. 此品种随波斯商人或入侵者盎格鲁萨克逊人传到英国. 克尔特人饲养过獒犬. 公元前55年,凯撒侵略英国时即使用此犬作战. 后来到17世纪,獒犬参加战斗,

3. 獒犬:马士提夫獒犬(mastiff)历史:公元3000年前,在古埃及的绘画上即有近似獒犬的画像. 此品种随波斯商人或入侵者盎格鲁萨克逊人传到英国. 克尔特人饲养过獒犬. 公元前55年,凯撒侵略英国时即使用此犬作战. 后来到17世纪,獒犬参加战斗,

mastiff 词典解释

1. 獒,大驯犬(一种体大强壮的短毛犬)
    A mastiff is a large, powerful, short-haired dog.

mastiff 单语例句

1. The Tibetan mastiff named Jin Bao had to be rushed to an animal hospital where vets sewed dozens of sutures to close up its wounds.

2. Italian adventurer Marco Polo described the mastiff as being as " tall as a donkey with a voice as powerful as that of a lion ".

3. The room is dark and chilly, and guarded by a mastiff dog attempting to break its chain.

4. mastiff的意思

4. A man frantically trying to stop his mastiff dog from attacking neighbors died suddenly from a heart attack.

5. The Tibetan mastiff is a large and fierce guard dog of livestock.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Wu would also like to make a documentary film on the Tibetan Mastiff and Tibetan culture.

7. mastiff在线翻译

7. The mastiff bit the man who was repairing bicycles in front of his house at about 7 pm on Monday.

8. The mastiff headed off two wild boars both weighing more than 100 kg in a fight early this month.

9. Over 200 of the dogs were registered for the show, which drew over 600 mastiff trainers from all over China.

10. Seven or eight rescuing soldiers had been injured from mastiff bites, a military medical official said.

mastiff 英英释义


1. an old breed of powerful deep-chested smooth-coated dog used chiefly as a watchdog and guard dog
