master of ceremonies

master of ceremonies


第三人称复数:masters of ceremonies

master of ceremonies 基本解释



master of ceremonies 网络解释

1. 节目主持人:DJ-(广播电台)流行音乐播音员,流行音乐节目主持人 (disc jockey)MC-司仪,节目主持人(Master of Ceremonies)街舞(Street Dance或Streetdancing)诞生于二十世纪六十年代末,是美国黑人城市贫民的舞蹈,到了七十年代它被归纳为嘻哈文化(Hip-Hop Culture)的一部分,

2. 主持人:以供随後而来的轰炸编队寻找目标;担任这项任务的轰炸机往往远远地单独飞在大编队之前,由於机上装载了标定目标所需的火□弹及其它被称作「圣诞树」的发光装备,因此机员被匿称为「晚会主持人(Master of Ceremonies)」;若 是能击落担任重责大任的标定机,

3. 司仪:acting chairperson 代理主席 | master of ceremonies 司仪 | opening address 开幕词

4. 司仪 节目主持人:Master of Ceremonies 司仪 节目主持人 | Machinery Certificate 机器执照 | Magnetic Core 磁心

master of ceremonies 词典解释

1. 主持人;司仪;典礼官
    At events such as formal dinners, award ceremonies, and variety shows, the master of ceremonies is the person who introduces the speakers or performers, and who announces what is going to happen next.

master of ceremonies 单语例句

1. At the center of the ring stands the master of ceremonies who wields a large stick to keep the eager spectators from getting too close.

2. My father was the master of ceremonies when it came to gift giving, or rather giving and receiving a gift in a discreet and quiet manner.

3. Billy Crystal is back as host, his eighth turn as master of ceremonies.

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4. The master of ceremonies invited them and their parents onto a stage.

5. He learned how to manage weddings from his father - a professional master of ceremonies with more than 10 years experience in the business.

6. Birch's success at the Los Angeles Games opening in 1984 cemented his reputation as the master of ceremonies.

master of ceremonies 英英释义

master of ceremonies什么意思


1. a person who acts as host at formal occasions (makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakers)

    Synonym: emcee host
