
masked [mɑ:skt]  [mæskt] 







masked 基本解释

形容词戴面具的; 化妆的; 隐蔽的; [医]潜伏的,不明的

动词伪装; mask的过去式和过去分词

masked 网络解释


1. 屏蔽:标题: 翻译:处理被屏蔽(masked)的包处理被屏蔽(masked)的包被关键字(keyword)屏蔽(masked)的包被严格屏蔽(Hard masked)的包首先,被关键字(keyword)屏蔽(masked)的包都是测试中的或者不稳定的包:其次,

2. 伪装:mask 面具 | masked 伪装 | masker 戴面具者

3. 图片列表中是否包含掩模码:ImageType:在绘制图片时是否使用掩模码 | Masked:图片列表中是否包含掩模码 | Width:图片的宽度

4. 隐蔽性:乳突炎 Mastoiditis | 隐蔽性 Masked | 鳃源性瘘管及囊肿 Branchial fistula and cyst

masked 词典解释

1. masked的近义词

1. 戴着面具的;截着面罩的
    If someone is masked, they are wearing a mask.

    e.g. Masked youths threw stones and firebombs.

masked 单语例句

1. It accused them of " masked inflation " by keeping prices stable while reducing the weight of products.

2. masked的近义词

2. It used to do a thriving business in the sale of food from wild animals, including the masked palm civet and snake meat.

3. The virus that lead to SARS was finally found to hide in the masked civet, which used to be popular in local restaurants.

4. masked

4. Many problems were masked by the collective effort to stop the economy's hemorrhaging.

5. A high school in Colorado was locked down yesterday amid unconfirmed reports that two masked men were seen entering the building.

6. The Green Hornet history is as convoluted as the plots of the radio drama that spawned this masked vigilante.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. Pakistani policemen survey the area next to the wreckage of a police van after masked gunmen attacked the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore.


8. Served with mixed vegetables and lemon rice, the crispy snapper skin masked the firm and luscious fillet.

9. They said that five masked men brought them from other areas and shot them dead in the Pakistani area Sunday.

10. masked什么意思

10. Masked militants from various armed factions took up defensive positions around Gaza City, instructing drivers to turn their headlights off.

masked 英英释义


1. having markings suggestive of a mask

    e.g. the masked face of a raccoon

2. having its true character concealed with the intent of misleading

    e.g. hidden agenda
           masked threat

    Synonym: cloaked disguised
