
martyrdom [ˈmɑ:tədəm]  [ˈmɑ:rtərdəm] 

martyrdom 基本解释



martyrdom 相关例句



1. His wife's never-ending complaints made his life one long martyrdom.

martyrdom 网络解释


1. 殉教:(22)沙拔达沙(Sappadasa)比丘的(30)和众贤 (Sanghabhadra)着的「阿毘达磨顺正理论」像其它宗教一样,殉教(martyrdom)也是大乘佛教里常见的一上面所举都是以表面字义去了解(literal understanding)和

2. 殉难;殉教:life imprisonment 无期徒刑 | martyrdom 殉难;殉教 | mass-murderer在 人群中制造爆炸案的凶手

3. 牺牲, 殉难, 受苦:Vectra [美]维克特拉(聚乙烯纤维) | martyrdom 牺牲, 殉难, 受苦 | lactophenol mount 乳酸酚装置

martyrdom 词典解释

1. 受难;(因政治或宗教信仰而)殉道,殉难,殉教
    If someone suffers martyrdom, they are killed or made to suffer greatly because of their religious or political beliefs.

    e.g. ...the martyrdom of Bishop Feliciano...
    e.g. He suffered martyrdom by stoning.

2. martyrdom的翻译

2. (为博取同情或赞赏的)夸大痛苦的行为,装可怜
    If you describe someone's behaviour as martyrdom, you are critical of them because they are exaggerating their suffering in order to gain sympathy or praise.

    e.g. She sat picking at her small plate of rice salad with an air of martyrdom.

martyrdom 单语例句

1. Four other men also abandoned their defenses, in effect daring the Pentagon to grant their wish for martyrdom.

2. martyrdom的意思

2. Many of the sheik's online lectures focus on preparing oneself for death, but do not explicitly mention jihad or martyrdom.

3. martyrdom

3. It said Khan also may have made his " martyrdom video " there.

4. martyrdom在线翻译

4. Hussein as per Islamic scholars achieved martyrdom in the Iraqi city of Karbala in the year 680.

5. " Martyrdom " operations are the term used by Islamic groups for suicide bombings.

6. " I wish to die and embrace martyrdom, " he said.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Arafat responded defiantly to new threats against his life by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, telling a crowd of supporters he would embrace'martyrdom'.

8. martyrdom在线翻译

8. A federal law enforcement official in Washington said that at least one martyrdom tape was found during raids across England on Thursday.

martyrdom 英英释义



1. any experience that causes intense suffering

    Synonym: calvary

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. death that is imposed because of the person's adherence of a religious faith or cause
