
marsh [mɑ:ʃ]  [mɑ:rʃ] 


marsh 基本解释



marsh 相关例句


1. When they tried to cross the marsh, their shoes sank into the soft ground.

2. They made their way slowly out of the marsh.

marsh 网络解释

1. 沼泽:并且允许飞天技能在地图上使用彩虹(Rainbow)徽章:50级以下的PM都会听从你,并且允许怪力技能在地图上使用灵魂(Soul)徽章:提升你PM的防御,并且允许乘浪技能在地图上使用沼泽(Marsh)徽章:70级以下的

2. 湿地:湖边的浅滩则长满许多水生植物,可说是草原湿地(Marsh). 这里不仅为野鸭,如绿头鸭(Mallard)、加拿大雁(Canada Geese)、央鸡(Rail)、以及大蓝鹭(Great Blue Heron)的觅食地,草丛间也常传出鹪鹩(Wren)与歌雀(Sparrow)的歌声.

3. 草本沼泽:特徵是有排水不良的矿物质土壤,植物以树木占优势,并以此而同大部分由草类植物组成的草本沼泽(marsh)相区别. 广泛分布於全世界,发育於排水不良、水分充足而使土地保持淹涝状态的地区. 沼泽的水中含有大量矿物质,

4. 玛希, 法国, 来自草木丛生的地区:Marlon 马伦 法国 指像小鹰或猎鹰的人. | Marsh 玛希 法国 来自草木丛生的地区. | Marshall 马歇尔 英国 看守马的人,君王的跟随者.

marsh 词典解释

1. marsh的意思

1. 沼泽;湿地
    A marsh is a wet, muddy area of land.

marsh 单语例句

1. A foul smelling stream of greenish water the only clue that it was once a marsh.

2. marsh的近义词

2. It is used for shoreline protection and tidal marsh restoration because of its complex root system that is able to prevent marshland from eroding.

3. They were held for fishing illegally in Sir Creek, a narrow strip of marsh land separating India's western border from Pakistan.

4. The lighted firecrackers the boy threw down the drain ignited the marsh gas, which then caused the powerful explosion.

5. Small country inns will be encouraged and the use of solar energy and marsh gas will be pushed as important energy sources.

6. marsh

6. Sun Prime has obtained the exclusive dissemination right for the new Outlaws of the Marsh TV series.

7. The hogpen is connected with the toilet and the excrement flows into the marsh gas pond through the pipe.

8. She was discovered curled in a fetal position in a marsh four days later and told police that a man had abducted her at knifepoint.

9. marsh的意思

9. Experts found that the explosion was caused by the cesspool's thick marsh gas, set alight by the firecracker.

10. The marsh gas produced can be used as fuel, and the treated waste can become fertilizer for farming.

marsh 英英释义


1. low-lying wet land with grassy vegetation
    usually is a transition zone between land and water

    e.g. thousands of acres of marshland
           the fens of eastern England

    Synonym: marshland fen fenland
