
marri ['mærɪ]  ['mærɪ] 

marri 基本解释
marri 网络解释


1. 马瑞红桉:marram 长在海边的防砂用禾本科植物 | marri 马瑞红桉 | marriage 婚嫁

2. 美叶桉:布罗夷桉 dumdas mahogany | 美叶桉 marri | 赤桉 river red gum

marri 双语例句

1. Accused al-Qaida sleeper agent Ali al-Marri has been sentenced to more than eight years in a civilian prison.


2. Methods: Using high-frequency ultrasound mammary glands of 63 marri ed parous women (age range 22-67 years) who had the history of menstrual disten ding pain of the breast and who were noticed to hae breast nodes were examined and pathologically classified according the WHO standard.
    用高频探头对年龄在22~ 67岁,有婚孕史,伴有或不伴有月经期乳腺胀痛,有乳腺结节的63例患者的乳腺进行检查,按世界卫生组织乳腺结构不良病理分型,分析乳腺异常声像图。

3. Methods: Using high-frequency ultrasound mammary glands of 63 marri ed parous women (age range 22-67 years) who had the history of menstrual disten ding pain of the breast and who were noticed to have breast nodes were examined and pathologically classified according the WHO standard.
    用高频探头对年龄在22~ 67岁,有婚孕史,伴有或不伴有月经期乳腺胀痛,有乳腺结节的63例患者的乳腺进行检查,按世界卫生组织乳腺结构不良病理分型,分析乳腺异常声像图。

4. According to the Washington Post, as an undergraduate at Bradley Marri wore a ponytail and was known for his partying and his quick sense of humor. He returned to Qatar in 1991, after graduation. Later that decade, a palace coup in Qatar shook his family, eventually prompting some members to leave for Saudi Arabia, where many of his brothers and his wife now live.

5. My father did not approve of my marri= age to Mary.
    我的父亲不赞成我= 1644;玛丽结婚。

6. I m so glad you re getting marri.

7. We ar to be marri in June.
    计划在 6 月结婚。

8. Another project by Marri investigates in a different way the theme of exhibition.

9. When I first got marri...

10. Both believe they are made for each other and should get marri.


11. David and I are going to be marri ed on Friday morning, June the twentieth.

12. It is available on the manufacturer s in jarrah or marri wood.

13. Results: Contents of DA, Ach, Ache reduced in models of mice and the achievements were bad in the Marri Water Maze and Step Down Test, which were significant compared with vacuity control groups (P0.005).

14. I am 34 years ol d and am currentl y worki ng as seni or mechani cal engi neer at ABC Tech Company i n Shanghai. I hol d a Bachel or `s and a Master`s degree from Shanghai Tongj i Uni versi ty. I am marri ed and my wi fe wi l l be havi ng our fi rst chi l d thi s comi ng autumn.
      我今年34 岁,目前是上海ABC 技术公司的高级机械工程师,获上海同济大学学士学位和硕士学位,已婚,太太将于秋季生育我们的第一个孩子。

marri 英英释义


1. very large red gum tree

    Synonym: red gum Eucalyptus calophylla
