
marketer ['mɑ:kɪtə(r)]  ['mɑ:kɪtə(r)] 



marketer 基本解释

名词市场商人; 市场营销人员; <美>在市场中买卖的人

marketer 网络解释

1. 营销者:一个简单的营销系统 7、营销者和预期顾客在市场的交换双方中,如果一方比另一方更主动,更积极地寻求交换,我们就把前者称之为营销者(Marketer),后者称之为预期顾客(Prospects).

2. 商人:marketeer 市场商人 | marketer 商人 | marketing mix 销售组合

3. 灯饰市场:lighting machine,lighting machinery 灯饰机械 | lighting market,agorae,mart,agora,bazaar,marketer,marketeer 灯饰市场 | lightning conductor 接地极

marketer 词典解释

1. 做买卖的人;生意人;商人
    A marketer is someone whose job involves marketing.

marketer 单语例句

1. Each marketer needs to think of a message and a platform appropriate to its niche.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. The most effective marketer knows how to position the product and tout all the benefits that are relevant to the needs of a buyer.

3. marketer的解释

3. The company plans to be the lead marketer at the Summer Games within three years while using the event to raise its international profile.

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4. " The fact is that the Chinese population is starting to have the spending power, " the food and beverage marketer says.

marketer 英英释义


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1. someone who promotes or exchanges goods or services for money

    Synonym: seller vender vendor trafficker
