名词提线木偶; 牵线木偶
1. 木偶世代(芭蕾娃娃) 美树本晴彦:Martian Successor Nadesico -------机动战舰 | Marionette-------木偶世代(芭蕾娃娃) 美树本晴彦 | Marine Boy 海底少年
2. 活动木偶:Mariolatry 对玛利亚崇拜 | marionette 活动木偶 | Mariposa lily 美丽大百合
3. 提线木偶:mariniere 水兵服 | marionette 提线木偶 | maripa oil 棕榈油
4. 傀儡娃娃:1141,MARINA,水母 | 1143,MARIONETTE,傀儡娃娃 | 1144,MARSE,乌贼
1. 牵线木偶
A marionette is a puppet whose different parts you can move using strings or wires.
1. A few Americans actually go to the voting polls to cheer for their favorite political marionette.
2. Last August, the local government and media decided to invest in the first marionette TV play.
3. A wooden marionette greets you in front of the appropriately colored green, yellow and red striped door.
1. marionette
1. a small figure of a person operated from above with strings by a puppeteer
Synonym: puppet