1. 保证金:若是在交易所买卖的期货合约,交易所会要求立约双方交上保证金(Margins)以作保证. 亚里士多德(Aristotle)描述了一个住在米利(Miletus)贫穷但精于数学(Quants?)的哲学家泰勒斯(Thales)投机于橄榄期货致富的故事.
2. 边界:在语意上, 请把 blockquote 元素保留给引用的内容, 然后使用CSS的外边界(margins)与内距来达到你要的效果.* dl. 定义列表(definition list)与相关的元素 dt 及 dd 已存在很久, 所以浏览器对它的支持无所不在. 替它加上样式,
3. 空白: 空白(Margins)
4. 利润::制造商卖给下游零售商产品之每单位边际利润(margins)或加成(markup) . 这种通路力量模型是指,当制造商与零售商在做价格决定时,上游制造商(leader)在决定其批发价格时,可以完全不理会下游零售商之反应;
1. Many online retailers fail to make a profit despite the high transaction volume, as escalating price wars caused by similar business models cut into profit margins.
2. Edwards was under pressure to not only win a number of big states, but win them by substantial margins in order to make up the delegate differences.
3. They also have margins of error that could skew the numbers by the tens of thousands.
4. margins
4. Reid has been active in twisting the course of electronic music from deep in the margins for several years now.
5. margins的意思
5. The Chinese government has closed many smaller coal mines to cap supply growth, helping existing market leaders in the coal industry increase profit margins.
6. The rate of capacity utilization has increased dramatically since early 2009, margins for manufacturers have improved and Chinese manufacturers remain optimistic about the future.
7. The huge growth potential and high profit margins in China's wine market have lured more and more capital investment into the industry.
8. Twice he has lost internal Likud Party votes on his plan by wide margins, but he insists he will carry it out regardless.
9. Lower property prices and sales volumes are hurting profit margins and cash flow.
10. The squeeze in downstream producers'profit margins may act as a catalyst for further consolidations and structural reforms.