
marc [mɑ:k]  [mɑ:rk] 

marc 基本解释



marc 网络解释

1. 马克:"呵呵,那间房间曾经是马克教授的私人办公室,房间里的那台巨型计算机有一个名字,叫'绿精灵',马克(Marc)生前在里面工作过一段时间,控制室的计算机绝对是一流的,而罗丝所在的那个房间,其实曾经是马克的秘书办公的地方,

2. (机读目录格式):信息资源系统管理者也可创建元数据来描述和组织自己的资源 ;提供信息服务的信息网关 (information gate)也可创建元数据MARC:机读目录格式 (MARC)是图书馆描述、存储、交换、处理以及检索信息的基础 ,

3. 果渣:Mangosteen 山竹 | Marc 果渣 | Melon 黄香瓜

4. 榨渣:marbly 大理石般的 | marc 榨渣 | marcasite 白铁矿

5. marc:mechanical reading catalogue; 机读目录

6. marc:machine readable catalogue; 机器可读目录

7. marc:by marcjacobs; 马克雅克布斯

8. marc:multiple access remote computer; 远程多路存取计算机

marc 单语例句

1. Marc LaPorte said an anonymous caller called twice Friday saying a man on the flight had explosives.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. Roman Abramovich's transformation of Chelsea's soccer team was sixth followed by the death of Cameroon soccer star Marc Vivien Foe at the FIFA Confederations Cup.

3. The group is considering whether Sheridan was wrongfully terminated after complaining that she was struck on the set by series creator Marc Cherry.

4. marc的近义词

4. They include roles in awarding clemency to Puerto Rican separatist bombers and in Bill Clinton's controversial pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich.

5. marc的解释

5. Jennifer Lopez had a " roller coaster " marriage to Marc Anthony.

6. marc是什么意思

6. Marc has previously praised Taiwanese clothing creator Alexander along with other youngsters in the industry, and explained there is " always room " for new starters in fashion.

7. Fashion king Marc Jacobs has given fashionista Lindsay Lohan a huge boost by confirming she's his dream ad campaign darling.

8. Malaysian fashion blogger Bryan Boy became so popular that top US designer Marc Jacobs designed a special bag and named it after him.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Among the diplomats named in the television broadcast were Marc Doe and Paul Crompton.

10. Marc Gasol announced on Twitter that he has reached a tentative agreement with the Grizzlies keeping him in Memphis.

marc 英英释义


1. made from residue of grapes or apples after pressing
