manure pit

manure pit [məˈnʊə pit]  [məˈnʊr pɪt] 

manure pit 基本解释
manure pit 网络解释

1. 粪坑,肥料坑:karst pit 岩溶井,喀斯特井(石灰岩中的) | manure pit 粪坑,肥料坑 | material pit 储料坑

2. 粪池,粪坑:manure pile ==> 粪堆,粪肥堆 | manure pit ==> 粪池,粪坑 | manure rain equipment ==> 厩液喷洒机具,厩液喷洒机具

manure pit 单语例句

1. A pickpocket thought he was safe after he ran into a cropland on the outskirts of Beijing and hid out in a manure pit.

2. Eventually, they pulled a young woman out of the manure pit.
