
mania [ˈmeɪniə]  [ˈmeniə,ˈmenjə] 


mania 基本解释


名词狂热; <医>狂躁; 热衷; 狂爱

mania 网络解释


1. 躁狂:经典抗精神病药诱发的并不少见.灾难性反应(catastrophic reaction)指异乎寻常的严重躯体或心理应激反应,特点是应对行为的崩溃,极度焦虑和休克.见:急性应激反应.躁狂(mania)心境高涨与当时的现实处境不符,

2. 躁狂症:(三)躁狂症(mania) 急性躁狂发作时可出现思维不连贯或思想破裂,表现为言语零乱、语量多、语速快、语音高亢,其思维的不连贯和破裂只不过是表面现象,其实质是思维奔逸,由于联想过快,某一概念尚未表达完全即转入另一概念.

3. 狂躁:苯环利定(Phencyclidine)以粉剂、液剂、烟草等不同型态出现,它除了具有麻醉、镇痛效果之外,亦具有迷幻(Hallucination)、狂躁(Mania)、谵妄(Delirium)、丧失方向感(Disorientation)、精神分裂(Schizophrenia)等副作用,会扭曲视觉、听觉,

mania 词典解释

1. 狂热;癖好
    If you say that a person or group has a mania for something, you mean that they enjoy it very much or spend a lot of time on it.

    e.g. It seemed to some observers that the English had a mania for travelling...
    e.g. The media have a mania about rugby union.

2. 躁狂症
    Mania is a mental illness which causes the sufferer to become very worried or concerned about something.

    e.g. ...the treatment of mania...
    e.g. He almost wouldn't eat at all and had the oddest manias.

mania 单语例句

1. The market economy also created social " mania " for personal wealth and drove many people into business.

2. The mania over the trophy demonstrates once again that the magnificent game spreads happiness far beyond the confines of the pitch and terraces.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Doomsday mania is probably good for the service industry and bad for moving merchandise.


4. And Brad and Angelina mania shows no signs of winding down any time soon.

5. As more children became obsessed with Angry Birds and Drift Mania Championship on the iPad, few any longer care to learn how to roll an iron hoop.

6. Rising personal income and the mania for driving has dramatically increased the price of a licence in Shanghai in recent years.

7. mania

7. This says more about easy money and market mania than it does about China's rise.

8. Olympic fervor is taking hold and even Yao Ming mania is beginning to affect me.

9. Some analysts say big private equity firms are poised to enter the fray and that this could stimulate the takeover mania even further.


10. But with Jackson mania surging five months after his death, frenzied bidders from around the world and in New York sent the price rocketing.

mania 英英释义


1. an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action

    Synonym: passion cacoethes

2. a mood disorder
    an affective disorder in which the victim tends to respond excessively and sometimes violently

    Synonym: manic disorder
