man of the world

man of the world [mæn ɔv ðə wɜː(r)ld]  [mæn ʌv ði wɜrld] 

man of the world 基本解释
man of the world 网络解释

1. 饱经世故者:man of straw 稻草人 | man of the world 饱经世故者 | man on horseback 军阀

2. 深谙世故的人:6. man out of blood=bloody man杀人成性的人. | 7. man of the world深谙世故的人. | 2. a camel to go through the eye of a needle难如登天.

3. 老于世故的人,善于处世的人:Man in blue 警察,蓝制服人 | Man of the world 老于世故的人,善于处世的人 | Martial Artist,Kung fu,Karate 武术,功夫,空手道

4. 饱经世故者, 爱享乐者:man of the cloth 教士 | man of the world 饱经世故者, 爱享乐者 | man to man 一对一的, 人盯人的, 坦率的

man of the world 单语例句

1. From then on, diesel has been the core business of world leading commercial vehicle manufacturer MAN.

2. man of the world

2. Every man and his dog probably saw at least snippets of the glitzy World Cup draw on Friday in Cape Town.

3. man of the world的翻译

3. And someone who is described as a man of the world is probably one who is not naively idealistic.

4. Critics argued it was tasteless to display a replica of the man who unleashed World War Two and ordered the extermination of Europe's Jews.

5. man of the world的解释

5. It is a portrait of a man who tries to do right when the world around him seems to be so wrong.

6. All people will see and care about is the World Cup's sheen, not the flaws of a man who could have been holding it.

7. man of the world

7. But it is also true that these women rose to leadership by playing according to the political rules of " a man's world ".


8. His bulk made him the world's heaviest man and won him a place in the 2008 edition of the Guinness World Records.

9. man of the world的反义词

9. And it is a man's world - State labor laws prohibit the employment of women to work underground.

10. man of the world的近义词

10. A man broke the world record for building the tallest stack of pancakes.

man of the world 英英释义

man of the world的近义词


1. man of the world

1. a worldly-wise person

    Synonym: sophisticate
