man Friday

man Friday [mæn ˈfraidi]  [mæn ˈfraɪdi] 

man Friday 基本解释

名词忠实仆人,得力助手; [电影]那个叫星期五的人

man Friday 网络解释

1. 男忠仆:Friday--忠仆,随从(源自鲁滨逊漂流记). | Man Friday--男忠仆. | Girl Friday--得力助手(尤指女秘书).

2. 忠实仆人, 得力助手:Promised Land 上帝允许给亚伯拉罕的地方 乐土, 福地, 希望之乡(来自<<圣经>>) | man Friday 忠实仆人, 得力助手 | comparative measurement 比较测量, 比较测定法

3. 得力助手:man and boy 从小到大 | man Friday 得力助手 | man in the street 普通人

4. 叫星期五的男人 得力助手;忠實的僕從:74. mad as a March hare 像三月的野兔一樣瘋狂 發狂;輕率浮躁 | 75. Man Friday 叫星期五的男人 得力助手;忠實的僕從 | 76. meet one's Waterloo 遇到滑鐵盧之戰 決定性的慘敗;沉重的打擊

man Friday 单语例句

1. man Friday的翻译

1. The Tyler Morning Telegraph reported Big Sandy police were flagged down by a man Friday who reported a stench coming from his sister's apartment.

2. Marc LaPorte said an anonymous caller called twice Friday saying a man on the flight had explosives.

3. The Phoenix big man scored 38 points Friday night to cap a remarkable comeback after missing all but three games of last season.

4. man Friday的近义词

4. Every man and his dog probably saw at least snippets of the glitzy World Cup draw on Friday in Cape Town.

5. Police were searching early on Friday for a man suspected in the slayings of four children and his wife in Cleveland.

6. man Friday

6. A young man in Fuzhou disrupted his own courtship ceremony Friday when he offered 99 roses to his girlfriend.

7. Friday, after hearing the young man's cry for help from beneath a collapsed floor.

8. Friday, after rescuers heard the young man's feeble cry for help from beneath a collapsed floor.

9. man Friday的近义词

9. Local man Yin Ming said his tap water " had a chemical smell " Friday morning before the supply was cut.


10. A distraught man took Clinton staffers hostage in Rochester on Friday and surrendered to police hours later.
