
male [meɪl]  [ˈmel] 



male 基本解释


形容词男性的; 雄性的; 有力的; [植]雄性的,仅有雄蕊的

名词男; 雄性动物; [植]雄性植物; 马累[马律]

male 同义词

形容词masculine manly

male 反义词



male 网络解释


1. 男:比如张小三,填:XiaoSan Last Name: 用拼音填入你的名字,比如张小三,填:Zhang Birthday:按月-日-年填入生日,注意年用4个数字,如1975 Gender:性别,男(Male)还是女(Female) Own Credit Card:是否拥有信用卡;

2. 男的:即用'女性'(femine)和'男性'(masculine)代表社会构建(受文化和社会规范强制的性别和行为模式),并将'女的'(female)和'男的'(male)用作纯生物学意义上的性别差异......'女人气质'(femininity)是文化建构:正像西蒙娜德波伏瓦所说的那样,

male 词典解释

1. 男人的;男性的
    Someone who is male is a man or a boy.

    e.g. Many women achievers appear to pose a threat to their male colleagues...
    e.g. The London City Ballet has engaged two male dancers from the Bolshoi...

...the small part of the Y chromosome which is responsible for maleness.
...the solidarity among men which is part of maleness.

2. 男子;男性
    Men and boys are sometimes referred to as males when they are being considered as a type.

    e.g. ...the remains of a Caucasian male, aged 65-70...
    e.g. He was very anxious to prove he was a red-blooded male...

3. 男人的;男性的
    Male means relating, belonging, or affecting men rather than women.

    e.g. The rate of male unemployment in Britain is now the third worst in Europe.
    e.g. ...male violence.

4. 雄性
    You can refer to any creature that belongs to the sex that cannot lay eggs or have babies as a male .

    e.g. Males and females take turns brooding the eggs.

5. (植物)雄株的;(花卉)雄蕊的
    A male flower or plant fertilizes the part that will become the fruit.

male 单语例句

1. Male cosmetics are a big business in China, so big that Bloomberg recently ran an article about the trend.


2. A businesswoman proves the fairer sex can be just as corrupt as men by offering her male secretary a BMW in return for sexual services.

3. Lee combined dexterity with a virility that busted the hoary stigmas of the Asian male.

4. male是什么意思

4. Grandma Jiang's stage career began by chance in 1988, when her residential community asked her to play a male role in a festival.

5. male的反义词

5. That half hour was one of the highlights of the holiday, not least for the male contestant whom I can only imagine was there by mistake.

6. Boys need male teachers to learn how to act as responsible, intelligent adults when they grow up.

7. But by now, he is happy to down a few glasses with his male relatives.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. He is later joined by three male friends for a discussion on what turns them on.

9. A female cadet accused a male cadet of secretly filming the pair having sex and showing it to his friends via the Internet.

10. male

10. The male panda takes one look at her proffered hindquarters and scoots over to the far corner of his cage.

male 英英释义



1. an animal that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that can fertilize female gametes (ova)

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. a person who belongs to the sex that cannot have babies

    Synonym: male person


1. being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that perform the fertilizing function in generation

    e.g. a male infant
           a male holly tree

2. for or pertaining to or composed of men or boys

    e.g. the male lead
           the male population

3. male

3. characteristic of a man

    e.g. a deep male voice
           manly sports

    Synonym: manful manlike manly virile
