make a killing

make a killing [meik ə ˈkɪlɪŋ]  [mek e ˈkɪlɪŋ] 

make a killing 基本解释
make a killing 网络解释

make a killing的意思

1. 突然赚得(赢得)一大笔钱:9 know a thing or two 见多识广 | 10 make a killing 突然赚得(赢得)一大笔钱 | 11 think a great deal of oneself 过高地估计自己

2. 赚大钱:keep one's nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干, 辛勤工作 | make a killing 赚大钱 | be caught short 缺钱

3. 大有所获:Mark's a goner. He didn't finish his chores before going out. 麦克真是无药可救,他日... | 3. make a killing大有所获 | He made a killing on that deal. I wish I had bought some shares. 那笔生意他大有所获....

4. 突然赚得一大笔钱:make a joke about sb. 以某人为笑柄. | make a killing 突然赚得一大笔钱. | make a leg 弯一腿行礼.

make a killing 单语例句

1. Even if a fraction of the mainland's 100 million netizens start paying for copyright music, online music stores will make a killing.

2. make a killing的意思

2. Now the US wants to make a killing by artificially raising corn prices.

3. make a killing

3. A plane of the same make crashed in Iran in December 2002, killing all 44 people on board.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. He acknowledges that though digital downloads make his music accessible to a much wider audience, it is also killing the industry for established artists such as himself.
