major operation

major operation [ˈmeidʒə ˌɔpəˈreiʃən]  [ˈmedʒɚ ˌɑpəˈreʃən] 

major operation 基本解释

major operation的翻译


major operation 网络解释

1. 大手术:外科医疗行为(surgical operation)是一项具有高度专业性且垄断性的医学二、应有执行各项大手术(Major operation)之能力. 而所谓大手术(major operation)可谓外科医疗行为当中,最核心之概念,

2. 大规模作战:major force 主要力量 | major operation 大规模作战 | major weapon system 主要武器系统

3. 大手術醫藥手術:6902大手帕服飾衣著用品madras | 6903大手術醫藥手術major operation | 6904大方格服飾衣料block plaids

major operation 单语例句

1. The company's major business includes cemetery sales, tombstone design and the operation of funeral homes.

2. Guangdong police announced on Friday they recently busted a major underground Mark 6 gambling operation in the city of Yunfu.

3. Bill issue and repurchase agreement operation are two major tools for the central bank to adjust the banking industry's liquidity through open market operations.

4. While local people do not yet know when new policies might come into operation, some major transportation initiatives do have publicized timelines.

5. major operation什么意思

5. The American commander declared the operation a successful first step in a major push to wrest key areas from insurgent control before January elections.

6. No official estimates of the number of dead or injured were available as the government mounted a major rescue operation.

7. major operation的反义词

7. Emergency services launched a major operation overnight to rescue drivers who became stranded near Exeter in Devon.

8. The information also revealed that the income of agricultural production and operation was the major source of the increase in the peasants'income.

9. Pakistan insists that it can not afford major military operation as the troops are already engaged and it also lacks financial resources and equipment.

10. A senior US official hinted that Powell's trip might have caused unspecified difficulties for Greece, which has mounted a major security operation to keep the Olympics safe.
