
maintaining [meɪn'teɪnɪŋ]  [meɪn'teɪnɪŋ] 





maintaining 基本解释

动词保养; 坚持; 保持( maintain的现在分词 ); 保卫

maintaining 网络解释


1. 维护:企业可以借助调度日程(Scheduler) 来设定启动自动操作的时间和周期频率,另外有些厂商提供的BPM解决方案还会提供规则引擎当流程上线后,伴随而来的自然是管理维护的问题,这其中包括三个步骤的工作:运行(operation)、维护(maintaining)和监测(Activ

2. 维持:他们所扮演的角色或处理人、事、物等的方式不一样,因为「行政」本质上是依法律而行动的,而「管理」本质上则包括结果的达成与责任. (沙伊仁、江亮演合编,民93,社会工作管理4-5页)三步骤:开发(development)、连结(linking)、维持(maintaining)

3. 维护保养:maintainerline保持系 | maintaining维护保养 | maintainingaccount维持帐户

4. 維持;保持;使繼續:Activating 活性化 | Maintaining維持;保持;使繼續 | Deactivating撤銷,遣散

maintaining 单语例句

1. maintaining

1. Both issues are controversial, with the business sector maintaining vigorous opposition.

2. Border and maritime territorial disputes left over by history force China to spend a considerable part of its energy on maintaining relations with neighboring countries.

3. But Chinese people were impressed by the courageous and stoic attitude of Japanese people in maintaining social order following the March quake.

4. The orchestra has been led by different conductors, while maintaining the original ensemble's tradition.

5. It plays an active part in maintaining global and regional peace and stability.

6. Therefore, maintaining sound psychological health is imperative to a good life.

7. To make progress while maintaining stability, the socialist core value system shall be carried forward.


8. Banks are supposed to carry out the onerous task of maintaining financial stability, not pursue wild unregulated investment profiting through reckless lending.

9. The spokesman said the Chinese Government has always been maintaining that Hong Kong develops a democratic system according to its actual conditions.

10. Guohua had to complete the project with limited registered capital, and it had to ensure the necessary cash flow while maintaining a low debt ratio.
