
mainsail [ˈmeɪnseɪl]  [ˈmensəl, -ˌsel] 

mainsail 基本解释


mainsail 网络解释

1. 主帆:摘要:主帆(mainsail) 帆船上主要装置的名称. 单桅运动帆船上有一桅杆和一个帆,如主帆艇--凯特艇上的帆就是主帆. 双桅运动帆船上,两桅杆一前一后,有的主桅在前,如意奥尔和克其艇. 有的主桅在后,如什胡拉艇.

2. 主帆,横帆:lateen sail 斜挂大三角帆 | mainsail 主帆,横帆 | staysail 支索帆

3. 主帆主桅机:mains 馈电线电力网 | mainsail 主帆主桅机 | mainshaft oil baffle 主轴挡油圈

4. 大桅帆:mainsail 大桅的帆 | mainsail 大桅帆 | mainscan 主扫描

mainsail 双语例句

1. Joining helmsman Wearn Haw Tan, skipper Thierry Barot and crew-member Wang Jue, is World class sailor Mark Stopforth on mainsail for what will be the team`s first foray into Extreme 40 racing.
    与舵手陈文浩、船长Thierry Barot以及摇把手王珏并肩作战的,是操控主帆的南非奥运会帆船选手Mark Stopforth。这将是这支队伍第一次尝试参加极限 40 比赛。


2. When they reached an harbour, the sailors clewed the mainsail down

3. However, when sailing by the lee or directly downwind, her leeward side is the side on which her mainsail lies.


4. I know what a mainsail is.

5. What of his carelessness he set fire to the big mainsail and totally destroyed it.

6. I was bankrupt, unable just then to pay sixty-five dollars for a new mainsail.

7. The big moment had been delayed for more than two hours due to 4m swells and a torn mainsail.

8. As it was, there was little amiss, beyond the wreck of the mainsail.

9. When they reached an harbour, the sailor s clewed the mainsail down

10. Depth of hold: 19ft. Burden: 800 tons Chinese measurement. Rudder 71/2 tons, mainsail 9 tons.

11. A large triangular sail set on a spar that swings out opposite the mainsail, used on racing yachts when running before the wind.

12. The jibs I speedily doused and brought tumbling to the deck; but the mainsail was a harder matter.

13. The big moment had been delayed for more than two hours due to4m swells and a torn mainsail.


14. The boat will need at least one reef in the mainsail and a smaller jib.

15. I will most likely be the mainsail trimmer.

mainsail 英英释义



1. the lowermost sail on the mainmast
