
maguey ['mægweɪ]  ['mægweɪ] 

maguey 基本解释



maguey 双语例句

1. A bar business that is located in skyscraper is thriving, one day some armour seedily, here drink down drinks frowsty wine, suddenly, walk along a drunkard from outside, the wine stink of all over the body, he goes over there the stage, wanted a cup of maguey to barkeeper, the 22 words after be being drunk do not say, the window that did not close to goes, jumped next.

2. A bar business that is located in skyscraper is thriving, one day some armour seedily, here drink down drinks frowsty wine, suddenly, walk along a drunkard from outside, the wine stink of all over the body, he goes over there the stage, wanted a cup of maguey to barkeeper, the demur after be being drunk does not say, the window that did not close to goes, jumped next.

3. The blue maguey is used to make both tequila and mescal.

4. Produced from the sap of the maguey plant, pulque advocates say the drink has medicinal qualities. But they worry that beer and other beverages are pushing it aside.


5. Historically traded textile products which were internationally traded in commercially significant quantities prior to 1982, such as bags, sacks, carpetbacking, cordage, luggage, mats, mattings and carpets typically made from fibres such as jute, coir, sisal, abaca, maguey and henequen

6. Escamoles are the eggs of the giant black Liometopum ant, which makes its home in the root systems of maguey and agave plants.

7. Fabric of maguey fibre, woven

maguey 英英释义


1. Philippine plant yielding a hard fibre used in making coarse twine

    Synonym: cantala Agave cantala

2. Mexican plant used especially for making pulque which is the source of the colorless Mexican liquor, mescal

    Synonym: Agave atrovirens
