
mackerel [ˈmækrəl]  [ˈmækərəl, ˈmækrəl] 

mackerel 基本解释



mackerel 网络解释

1. 鲭:刺鲅,也称巴浪(Peto),或称大目鲭(Queenfish),它是种食用鱼,并可供垂钓,与鲭(mackerel)是近亲. 体长可达6英尺(1.8米),体重100磅(45公斤). 刺鲅腹部呈银白色,上身呈深绿色,有时带有纵向的灰色或黄色带纹. 刺鲅分布在热带和亚热带的海洋中,

2. 鲭鱼:牡蛎壳形极不规则,左壳(下壳)较大而凹,附着它物,右壳(上壳)较小而平滑,掩覆如盖,壳而有灰,青紫,棕等内容摘要:别名:青鲐鱼、鲐巴鱼、青砖鱼、油筒鱼、鲐鱼、鲐鲅鱼使用提示:每次约80克鲭鱼知识介绍: 鲭鱼(Mackerel)有许多品种,但在大

3. 鲐鱼:[供应]供应挪威产鲐鱼(MACKEREL)和鲱鱼挪威产鲐鱼(MACKEREL)和鲱鱼供应挪威产鲐鱼(MACKEREL)和鲱鱼(HERRING). 详情请见

4. 马鲛鱼:另外鳕鱼(cod)适合清蒸,溜鱼片,马鲛鱼(mackerel)适合油炸, 彩虹鳟鱼(rainbow trout)可以红烧, 金枪鱼(tuna)罐头可以做汤下面, 常备应急. 说起英国的蔬菜,我只能用两个字来概括:遗憾. 英国本土蔬菜瓜果匮乏,除却土豆(potato),

mackerel 词典解释

1. 鲭鱼
    A mackerel is a sea fish with a dark, patterned back.

    e.g. They'd gone out to fish for mackerel.

mackerel 单语例句

1. mackerel的意思

1. The findings were particularly true for tuna and dark meat fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel and for diabetic women.

2. mackerel的反义词

2. Broiled small mackerel tastes good at first but then has a slight pungent aftertaste, typical of saltwater fish.

3. Locals like to make dumplings filled with aquatic vegetables and Jiaozi stuffed with mackerel.

4. The mackerel marinade was a bit too sweet and the fried rice not quite fragrant enough.

5. In Shandong, mackerel has traditionally been used as a tasty stuffing for jiaozi.

mackerel 英英释义



1. mackerel是什么意思

1. any of various fishes of the family Scombridae

2. mackerel

2. flesh of very important usually small (to 18 in) fatty Atlantic fish
