
macaque [məˈkæk]  [məˈkæk, -ˈkɑk] 

macaque 基本解释

名词猢狲; 恒河猴,猕猴,叟猴; 狙

macaque 网络解释

1. 猕猴:目前已经实验性感染成功的动物有,经口感染的动物:小鼠、牛、绵羊、山羊、水貂和狐猴;经非胃肠道途径(脑内注射,有时结合静脉注射和/或腹腔注射)感染的动物:小鼠、牛、绵羊、山羊、猪、水貂、狨(marmoset)、蜘蛛猴(spider monkey)、猕猴(macaque)和狐猴.

2. 短尾猿:luxury 奢侈、华贵 | macaque 短尾猿 | maintain 维持、维修、供养

3. 弥猴:macaca 弥猴属 | macaque 弥猴 | MacCollough effect 麦克卡罗效应

4. 恒河猴 ,奇丑的男人:limace 蛞蝓 ,懒人、 胆小鬼 | macaque 恒河猴 ,奇丑的男人 | oie 鹅 傻子

macaque 单语例句

1. Female macaque monkeys love a good gossip as much as their chatty human counterparts, research has shown.

2. Last year Science reported about researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine who tried to clone a rhesus macaque monkey.

3. Singapore - Male macaque monkeys pay for sex by grooming females, according to a recent study that suggests the primates may treat sex as a commodity.

4. Outstanding efforts have also been made to protect and enlarge groups of rare animal species such as the Taihang macaque and leopard.

5. Lucky is a type of macaque, one of the most common wild mammals in Japan.

6. A group of macaques came down from a nearby mountain and stood guard over the dead macaque until police came and removed it.

7. There is also a water curtain macaque hill where you may expect to make contact with the timid macaques.

8. Nature reserves at the Manghe River of Yangcheng and Lishan Mountain of Qinshui include rare animals such as the macaque and giant salamander.


9. The Tibetan macaque is a species of woolly monkey that can stand frost.

10. Macaque monkeys roam the dense jungle surrounding the wooden plank that every visitor must cross before boarding a boat.

macaque 英英释义



1. short-tailed monkey of rocky regions of Asia and Africa
