
lyrics ['lɪrɪks]  ['lɪrɪks] 


lyrics 基本解释


lyrics 网络解释

1. 词:) 与中文一样,英文的文体可分为两大类:韵文体(verse)和散文体(prose前者包括诗(poetry)、词(lyrics)、歌(songs)、谣(rhmes)等具有音乐素质的文字格式,后者则是韵文之外的一切格式.

2. 歌词中少量涉及性、暴力、酒精或毒品:.Language:包含少量到中量的亵渎类语言 | .Lyrics:歌词中少量涉及性、暴力、酒精或毒品 | .Mature Humor:涉及可能包含性的成人幽默

lyrics 单语例句

1. The two rock stars thrilled their audiences with their insightful lyrics and catchy melodies at the Yan Club.

2. lyrics的翻译

2. Madonna the singer is known as a chameleon, morphing from sexy outfits and suggestive lyrics to Eastern mysticism and Judaism.

3. lyrics

3. Chen wrote about his experience in the lyrics of his complaints choir's first show and sang especially loudly to appeal for migrant workers'rights.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Participants wore lyrics and chord guides on the backs of their shirts to aid the players behind them.

5. The most controversial song is Jay Chow's " Snail " whose lyrics encourage young people to pursue their own success regardless of the difficulties they may encounter.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The band had " massively disrupted society's cohesiveness " with its song lyrics inciting racial hatred, the court ruled.

7. lyrics

7. They first compose rhythms and then add lyrics, a process that gives Yan freedom and helps other members draw inspiration.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. He is skilled at composing poems based on his simple life, and using them as lyrics in his songs.

9. lyrics在线翻译

9. Replacing the desperate lyrics and impetuous rock beats are warmth, peace and contentment.

10. Most of her songs are based on classic Latin folklore rhythms mixed to rock musical context with strong sophisticated lyrics.
