
lusty [ˈlʌsti]  [ˈlʌsti] 



lusty 基本解释


形容词健壮的,强壮的; 又高又粗

lusty 网络解释

1. 健壮的:lustrum 驱邪仪式 | lusty 健壮的 | lutanist 琵琶演奏者

2. 精力充沛的:15. mortal 人类的,终有一死的 | 16. lusty 精力充沛的 | 17. thriving 旺盛的

3. 精力充沛的,强烈的,贪欲的:lust 淫欲 | lusty 精力充沛的,强烈的,贪欲的 | luscious 肉感的

4. 健壮的, 精力充沛的 (形):lustrous 有光泽的; 光辉的 (形) | lusty 健壮的, 精力充沛的 (形) | lusus 造化的玩笑 (名)

lusty 词典解释

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1. 精力充沛的;生气勃勃的;健壮的
    If you say that something is lusty, you mean that it is healthy and full of strength and energy.

    e.g. ...plants with large, lusty roots.
    e.g. ...remembering his lusty singing in the open park.

Andrew asserted himself from the moment of his birth, crying lustily when he was hungry...
Bob ate lustily.
lusty 单语例句

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1. By the time the speakers had explained all of this to us, many of the guests were casting lusty looks towards the open bottles.

2. lusty什么意思

2. Movie audiences have plenty to watch when costumed opera characters carry out lusty, murderous or comic doings.

3. Industry observers say the lusty performance by the banks contributed to the bull run of China's capital markets.

4. Hotel heiress Paris Hilton is being inundated with fan mail from lusty prisoners desperate to secure her hand in marriage.

lusty 英英释义



1. endowed with or exhibiting great bodily or mental health

    e.g. a hearty glow of health

    Synonym: hearty full-blooded red-blooded

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. vigorously passionate

    Synonym: lustful concupiscent
